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#311 : La morsure du serpent

Ecrit par : Oliver Goldstick & Maya Goldsmith
Réalisé par : Chad Lowe

Emily a retrouvé le sourire grâce à Paige, leur relation prend enfin la bonne direction, aussi quand Spencer commence à faire ressortir une ancienne histoire entre Paige et Alison, elle lui tourne le dos. N'ayant pas oublié les actes violents passés de Paige, et apprenant maintenant l'histoire d'une vendetta entre elle et Ali, Spencer la soupçonne du meurtre et tente le tout pour le tout afin d'ouvrir les yeux à Emily. Aria s'est mis dans la tête qu'elle devait aider à Ezra à oublier son passé, mais elle fait une découverte qui chamboule toutes ses décisions.

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3.83 - 6 votes

Titre VO
Single Fright Female

Titre VF
La morsure du serpent

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Première diffusion en France


Sneak Peek #5

Sneak Peek #5





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Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Paige dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Paige dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Em , Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Em , Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Em dans la boutique de Cece

Em dans la boutique de Cece

Paige dans la boutique de Cece

Paige dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Hanna dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Paige dans la boutique de Cece

Spencer et Paige dans la boutique de Cece


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 21.08.2012 à 20:00
2.40m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Le téléphone d'Hanna sonne, Spencer le lui passe et s'aperçoit que c'est Wren. Hanna raccroche, Spencer l'interroge et la met en garde contre lui. Hanna nie tout. Ted sonne à sa porte, la mère d'Hanna lui ouvre. Il apporte une clé USB qui a été retrouvée à l'église, qu'il a ouvert par curiosité. Il dit avoir vu des vidéos avec Hanna dedans, qu'elle ne savait sans doute pas qu'elle avait été espionnées. Les filles paniquent, car elles ont promis à Jenna que ces vidéos ne sortiraient jamais. Elles tentes de récupérer la clé mais se font surprendre. Elle tente de convaincre sa mère de ne pas la donner à la police, pour que Mona ne soit pas sanctionnée. Sa mère lui dit qu'elle va y réfléchir.

Aria réveille Ezra avec un bouquet de fleur, car c'est son anniversaire. Il lui dit qu'il a écrit un e-mail à Maggie mais sans lui envoyer. Aria tente de lui faire reprendre contact avec elle.

Emily et Paige prennent un café. Elle lui avoue avoir embrassé Nate. Paige lui dit qu'elle comprend, car tous les deux aimaient Maya.

Spencer et Aria discutent. Elle lui confie ses soucis avec Ezra. Spencer lui dit de ne surtout pas s'en mêler, que ça ne fera qu'empirer les choses. Elles voient Cece dans le lycée. Spencer la rejoint, Cece lui dit qu'elle est déçue de ne pas avoir eu son aide pour le défilé. Paige passe avec Emily, et Cece est étonnée. Elle dit qu'Alison la détestait, elle l'avait surnommée Peau de cochon. Flashback: Spencer se souvient que lors d'une soirée où Alison essayait son débardeur, elle avait remarqué un bleu à son épaule, et Ali avait dit qu'elle s'était battue avec Peau de cochon. Spencer promet à Cece de venir l'aider à décharger les boîtes après les cours.

Dans la salle d'informatique, Hanna et Caleb ont une discussion interposée par ordinateur, à propos de la clé usb. Il lui dit qu'il a envie de l'embrasser. Jenna gâche le moment en venant virer Hanna de sa place.

Emily rejoint Nate. Elle lui dit qu'ils doivent oublier ce qui s'est passé l'autre soir, et qu'ils doivent juste être amis. Il semble surpris, lui dit que Maya était pareille: spontanée mais en fait, insouciante.

Aria se rend dans une école maternelle, sous le nom d'Amy. Maggie la reçoit.

Emily est avec Spencer, qui lui demande si elle savait que Paige avait eu des soucis avec Ali. Emily le prend mal, lui dit qu'après Alison qui essayait de les monter les unes contre les autres, c'est au tour de Cece.

Hanna va voir Jenna, et lui avoue pour les vidéos. Jenna reste calme, l'ignore presque. Nate la rejoint, demande où est Emily. Ils parlent de Jenna, Hanna lui dit qu'à un moment elle faisait semblant d'être aveugle. Il le prend mal, tente de parler à Jenna.

A la maternelle, Maggie questionne Aria. Un petit garçon, Malcolm, vient demander quelque chose à Maggie, et celle-ci lui dit qu'il est son fils.

Spencer aide Cece, qui est désespérée car personne d'autre n'est disponible. Elle demande pourquoi Ali et Paige se disputaient, Cece lui répond que c'était pour Emily. Elle lui raconte qu'Ali avait volé du papier à lettre chez Emily, et écris un mot torride à Paige, et que quand Paige avait voulu cacher la réponse à l'endroit indiqué, elle avait pris la lettre, et humilié Paige, la menaçant d'envoyer la lettre à son père.

Paige révise à côté d'Emily, qui lui demande comment elle connaissait Ali. Paige nie, et dit à Emily qu'elle devrait plutôt interroger ses amies.

Aria est chez Ezra, le frère de celui entre. Elle ne va pas bien, et décide de tout lui raconter pour Maggie.

Dans la cabine d'essaye, Spencer écris un sms à Hanna. Quelqu'un l'enferme de l'extérieur. Un serpent sort de l'une des boites, elle tente de s'échapper mais la porte est bloquée. Elle crie, mais Cece est dans le garage. Au dernier moment, elle arrive et débloque la porte.

Spencer discute avec Hanna, lui dit qu'elle a utilisé le mot serpent quand elle parlait de Paige à Emily. Hanna tente de la défendre. Le téléphone sonne, c'est Emily. Elle ne trouve plus le couteau du sac de Maya, elle dit qu'elles ont du le perdre, mais Hanna pense que quelqu'un s'est introduit chez elle.

Aria prépare un gâteau pour Ezra, avec son frère. Ils ne savent pas quand ni comment lui annoncer.

Cece donne des tenues à Spencer et Hanna. Hanna se change, quelqu'un l'attrape brusquement. C'est Caleb. Il vient lui dire qu'il a réussi à faire change sa mère d'avis en disant que personne ne voulait que la police voit les filles en bikini et petite tenue. Il lui dit qu'il ne veut plus faire semblant de ne pas être avec elle.

Ezra arrive. Aria lui dit que comme Wes était venu apporter un cadeau, elle l'a invité. Ezra dit qu'il a appelé Maggie, qu'elle va bien. Elle ne lui a pas dit pour son fils, donc ils décident de ne rien dire.

Emily arrive avec Paige. Celle-ci va discuter avec Spencer et lui dit qu'elles devraient prendre un nouveau départ.

Ezra souffle ses bougies, dit qu'il n'a pas besoin de faire un voeu, car il a tout ce qu'il veut. Ezra cherche une chanson à mettre. Wes pense que Maggie a été payée pour se taire.

Les filles demandent à Paige d'apporter quelque chose à Emily, et elles en profitent pour fouiller son sac. Malheureusement, Emily les surprend. Les filles la laissent partir, elles ont trouvé une preuve: la boucle d'oreille manquante qu'Aria avait mis dans la tombe d'Ali.

Paige et Emily boivent un thé devant la maison. Paige lui avoue qu'Alison a passé toute la classe de CE2 a la terroriser, qu'ensuite elle a pu lui rendre la pareille, mais qu'Ali était acharnée.

Hanna rentre chez elle. Sa mère a regardé les vidéos, elle prend la clé, et la jette dans l'évier. Elle fait couler l'eau, et dit à Hanna qu'elle fait ça pour elle-même, car on la voit coucher avec le policier Wilden. Ted entre, il lui demande pour la clé, Hanna dit qu'elle la détruite.

Spencer montre la preuve à Aria. Paige entre dans la maison, Emilye reste dehors. Elle entend du bruit, Jenna s'approche. Quand elle s'aperçoit qu'elle n'est pas seule, elle prend peur et monte dans un taxi avec ses valises. Elle dit à Emily qu'elle doit faire attention à qui elle fréquente. Spencer appelle Emily sur son téléphone, mais Paige coupe la conversation.

Une personne, les mains gantées, est dans un bar, devant un jukebox, et lance une chanson. Une autre personne dans la même tenue avec les mêmes gants tend la main, elle lui donne un jeton. 

[Hanna's bedroom.]

Hanna: Okay, nothing fits over this.
Spencer: Well, Hanna, if you just wait until your mom goes to work, then we don't have to sneak around.
Hanna: No, I am not going to school with a big open wound.
Spencer: I thought you said Wren stitched it up.
Hanna: He did, but I have to let it breathe or else it could get infected.
Spencer: Whoa. When did you get that?
Hanna: Eighth grade.
Spencer: Did it come with castanets?
Hanna: It's not Spanish, it's Greek. I played "Peasant lady" Mamma Mia. Can you give me some pins, please?
Spencer: I don't remember you in Mamma Mia.
Hanna: Good, because I look fat and hideous and I had to stand next to a cardboard goat.

Phone rings.

Spencer: Um, Wren is calling you. Why don't you wanna talk to him? What's going on with you and Wren?
Hanna: Nothing.
Spencer: Hanna. Hanna, come on, look at me. Okay, I know that "A" has made it incredibly hard for you and Caleb.
Hanna: "Hard"? Try impossible.
Spencer: So, what, is Wren moving in? Look, I know that he can be persuasive. I mean, the dimples, the accent--
Hanna: Okay, can we not talk about this?
Spencer: You are not the first girl to fall for Downton Grabby. Hello, I've been there.
Hanna: Well, I'm not... there.

Doorbell rings.

Hanna: Now what? Ugh, is she ever gonna leave?!
Ted: Hey.
Ashley: Hey.
Ted: Uh, if you're on your way out--
Ashley: No, I was just making some coffee to go. You want some?
Ted: Oh, no, thanks. I just... Something came up at the church and I wanted to speak to you before I contacted the police.
Ashley: Police?
Ted: The contractor who's renovating found something under a back pew. Looks like it's been there for awhile.
Ashley: What is it?
Ted: Thumb drive. I plugged it into my computer, hoping I could return it to whoever lost it.
Ashley: It's not mine.
Ted: That's not why I brought it here. It turned out to be a number of video files. The first one I opened... Hanna's in it. Looks like she's hanging out with a group of friends in a bedroom, just talking. But I don't think they knew they were being filmed.
Ashley: There was a bully targeting Hanna and her friends last year.

Hanna and Spencer waits on stairs.

Hanna: That's what I threw to get away from Ian.
Spencer: I thought Ian took it.
Hanna: So did I. This is so bad.
Spencer: No, Hanna, it's gonna be fine.
Hanna: No, Ali used those videos to blackmail Jenna, all right? We promised we'd keep them locked up.
Spencer: Okay, but we didn't find this.
Hanna: It doesn't matter. If my mom takes them to the police, then Jenna will think that I gave them to her.
Spencer: Hanna, you need to chill.
Hanna: Me and Caleb, that's who she'll go after. Not you. Me. This is so bad!

Ted: I better be going.
Ashley: I'll definitely look.
Ted: You free for a late dinner tonight? Just so I could end your day better than I started it?
Ashley: Call me later.
Ted: Yeah.

He leaves. Hanna tries to steal the usb key.

Ashley: Hanna... What are you doing? Did you know about these videos?
Hanna: No, of course not.
Ashley: Who took these videos? Mona? Hanna...
Hanna: Yes. They're Mona's, all right? But that's over with, so can I just trash it?
Ashley: If she planned to use these to blackmail you--
Hanna: Mom, she had a meltdown, all right? But she's better now. What is the point of handing it to the police? So they can move her from a hospital room to a jail cell?
Ashley: This might come as a shock to you, but I am not Mona's biggest fan.
Hanna: Can you just let me have it?
Ashley: No, I won't. I plan to watch these by the end of the day. And then I will decide what action to take. All right, let's go. I'll drive you to school. Then you can explain to me why you're wearing your costume from Mamma Mia.

[Ezra's flat.]

Aria: Hey. You're still sleeping?
Ezra: Am I?
Aria: Happy birthday.
Ezra: Ah, give me a second. I'll be more charming when I'm awake. I was up late. Really late.
Aria: Why? When we got off the phone, you said you were almost done with work.
Ezra: Yeah, I got sidetracked. I wrote an email... To Maggie.
Aria: Oh.
Ezra: I didn't send it.
Aria: Why not?
Ezra: What if her life spiraled out of control after my mom sent her off?
Aria: Wait, two days ago you were assuring me that Maggie was ancient history, you had moved on. Why are you suddenly assuming the worst? What happened?
Ezra: Hearing what my mother did to you at the museum really threw me.
Aria: Hey. You're not spending your birthday like this. So just call her and see how she is.
Ezra: I can't. It's not fair for me to crash into her life. I just wanna know if she's okay.

[Front of a coffee.]

Emily: Do you wanna finish this?
Paige: No, thanks.
Emily: So what do you have first period?
Paige: English.
Emily: I already asked you that, didn't I?
Paige: Yeah.What's going on, Em?
Emily: A couple of nights ago, when I was comforting Nate... Things got a little intense. We kissed.
Paige: Why do you think that happened?
Emily: In the moment, it felt right.
Paige: And now?
Emily: I don't know. I'm just as confused by this as you.
Paige: I'm not confused by it. I think you miss Maya. And so does he. You both loved the same person. Doesn't mean you feel that way toward each other. Maybe those lines are just a little blurry right now.

[High school.]

Aria: So it was there the whole time?
Spencer: Yeah. Hanna's freaking. She's terrified of what Jenna's gonna do.
Aria: I thought that we were backing off the whole Noel and Jenna are the "A" team.
Spencer: I am, but Hanna won't listen to me. Are you?
Aria: I'm sorry. I'm just trying to figure out a way to say "Happy Birthday" without the "happy."
Spencer: Birthday?
Aria: Yeah, Ezra's not in the mood to celebrate. He's obsessed. He's convinced that he's ruined Maggie's life.
Spencer: Well, why is he still thinking about his high school girlfriend?
Aria: Probably because I pushed him to. God, I just... I just wish that there was a way that I could get in touch with her.
Spencer: That is a terrible idea.
Aria: No, no, no. I just want--
Spencer: That is such a terrible idea. Stay out of it. It is none of your business.
Aria: It is my relationship, Spencer. I'm sorry. We can't move forward until he does.

They see Cece. 

Spencer: What is she doing back in high school?
Aria: I don't think she ever left.

Bell rings.

Aria: See ya.

Spencer meets Cece outside.

Spencer: Hey, Cece? What are you doing?
Cece: Panicking. It's almost show time and I thought I had some help, but I never heard back from you.
Spencer: That trunk show's tonight? Oh, my God, I spaced.
Cece: Yeah. Yeah, you really did. But don't sweat it, sweetheart. Hopefully there are some other fashionistas in this fleece-loving town that'll skip a kegger for a free belt.
Spencer: I will be there, okay? I promise. And I'll get all my friends to help you.
Cece:Thanks. I was kinda hoping after that U-Penn favor, I wouldn't have to ask twice.
Spencer: I'm really sorry.
Cece: Do you have any rich friends I can put in the seats? I really need to rack up some serious cash. Whoa. Hold on. Is Emily into her?
Spencer: Who? Paige? Yeah, they're dating. Why?
Cece: Oh, my God. That is seriously so messed up. If Alison were alive to see Emily cuddling up to "Pigskin"...
Spencer: Who is "Pigskin" ?
Cece: Her. Alison and that wench had it out for each other.


The girls are in Spencer's bedroom. They try some clothes.

Aria: That looks amazing on you, Spencer. Ali, look at that top.
Ali: Sweet. I'll trade you.
Spencer: Why?
Ali: Oh, come on, hon. That's not the part of your bod you wanna advertise. Show off those Hastings' legs. Come on, let me try it on. Please? Ouch.
Hanna: Ali, how'd you get that?
Ali: How'd I get what? Oh, that. Yeah, I fell down in soccer and "Pigskin" kicked me.
Aria: Who's "Pigskin"?
Ali: She's just this freakazoid in my gym class. Don't worry, it won't happen again.
Hanna: Wait, is that the girl who threw that muffin at you?
Ali: No, that's "Triple Nipple." She's harmless. "Pigskin" is psychotic.
Spencer: Why do you call her "Pigskin"?
Ali: 'Cause she's got these weird bumps on her thighs. I mean, she says it's eczema, but I'm like, "Honey, you better stop poking
yourself below the equator."
Aria: Wait. Who is this person? What's her real name?
Ali: Doesn't matter. Once I'm done with that no-neck bitch, she won't even exist. Looks like we got a winner. Sorry, Spence.

[Flash Back‘s End]

Cece: There's no way I can unload all those boxes by myself. He guaranteed the shipment today. So can you do it?
Spencer: Sorry, what?
Cece: After school? Help me set up?
Spencer: Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure.
Cece: Excellent. Thanks.

[Computers room]

Hanna and Caleb write to each other on the computers.

Hanna: If this thing goes to the cops, we'll both be run off the road. Should I steal it? So what should I do?
Caleb: I'm finding it really hard not to come over there and kiss you.

Jenna comes. 

Jenna: Other people need to use the computers, too. Your time is up.

[Near from high school]

Emily: Hey.
Nate: Hey there. Nice wheels.
Emily: Not mine. I borrowed Paige's bike 'cause I've gotta race to swim practice.
Nate: I bet she doesn't look as good as you taking those corners.
Emily: Look, I called you because--
Nate: I'm glad you did. I hope you haven't eaten yet. I'm starving. You wanna grab a slice?
Emily: Um, no, but I'll walk with you.
Nate: What time is your practice over?
Emily: I'm done at seven.
Nate: I thought maybe if you wanted to go into Philly, could catch a movie, have some dinner after. There's this place on South Street...
Emily: Nate, slow down.
Nate: Sorry. It'd just be nice to spend time with you outside of this town.
Emily: I know. I just think before we make plans, we need to talk. Look, I think we need to keep things on a friendship level.
Nate: But what about the other night?
Emily: I don't regret it, but it doesn't change things.
Nate: Wow. You and Maya really did have a lot in common, didn't you?
Emily: What does that mean?
Nate: She always used to say she was being spontaneous, but really she was just being reckless.
Emily: I wasn't being reckless, Nate.
Nate: You can stop. I remember Maya, sitting in my car on her phone, giving that same speech to about 20 different guys.
Emily: Maybe we should talk later.
Nate: Emily, wait.
Emily: No, I don't wanna be late. We'll talk later.

[At school]

Maggie: You must be Amy.
Aria: Hi. Are you Maggie?
Maggie: I am. Did you have any trouble finding the place?
Aria: No, no. It was-- it was fairly easy.
Maggie: Did you say you were grad or undergrad?
Aria: Undergrad.
Maggie: Of course. You look so young. Well, come in. Have a seat.

[At high scool]

Spencer: I've been looking for you. Where have you been?
Emily: I had to talk to Nate. I think I may have led him on, but I made it clear that I'm dating Paige. Why were you looking for me?
Spencer: Has... Has Paige ever mentioned her history with Ali to you?
Emily: Her history?
Spencer: Yeah, they weren't passing acquaintances, Em. They were, like, in a war.
Emily: Who told you this?
Spencer: Cece. No, look, I know that it sounds weird, okay? But once she told me Ali's nickname for Paige, it clicked.
Emily: Alison had nicknames for half the people in this school. That doesn't really qualify as having a history.
Spencer: Okay, I get it, but according to Cece, this was--
Emily: Why are we suddenly trusting Cece?
Spencer: Because Ali might have told her things that she couldn't tell us.
Emily: I gotta get to practice.
Spencer: Emily, look, you and Paige have been seeing each other on and off for almost a year, and you don't think it's a little odd that she's never mentioned anything about Ali to you?
Emily: I think what's odd is watching history repeat itself. Alison loved pitting us against one another, and now Cece swoops in--
Spencer: This isn't about Cece, okay? A friend of ours had an ongoing feud with someone whom we both know has a bit of a dark side.
Emily: Excuse me?
Spencer: I'm not accusing Paige of anything, but let's not forget, Emily, this girl once tried to drown you. I don't think that was a love dunk.
Emily: There were other issues going on in her life back then.
Spencer: Yeah, like being sneaky. She also got you kicked off of the swim team. I'm not calling her a snake--
Emily: Okay, are you finished? Because I am.

[Front of school]

Hanna: Hey, Jenna, can I talk to you for a minute? You know that video that Ali threatened you with? The one with you and Toby in your bedroom?
Jenna: Why are you dredging this up?
Hanna: There's a thumb drive that was found at the church.
Jenna: Found?
Hanna: Yes, found. And they're taking it to the police. So I just wanna let you know that we-- me and my friends-- had nothing to do with it. Look, I know you hate us, Jenna, but don't punish us for something we didn't do, okay? Are you hearing anything I'm saying to you?
Jenna: I never had a problem with my ears, Hanna. We're just gonna have to see how things turn out, won't we?

Nate: Hanna! You got a second? Have you seen Emily?
Hanna: She's at swim practice.
Nate: I'm kind of lost here. Emily and I were in this groove, and suddenly she just pink-slipped me.
Hanna: Um, Nate? She's gay. She dated your cousin.
Nate: Yeah, I get it. I figured it was about the person, not the equipment. Maya was pretty fluid.
Hanna: Look, I don't know what Emily said to you, but she doesn't play games... Unlike some people.
Nate: You got that right. She's all up in your face one day, and the next, she's looking right through you.
Hanna: Yeah, well, she perfected that when she was still playing Helen Keller.
Nate: What do you mean, playing?
Hanna: Never mind.
Nate: No, hold it. You're telling me that she was faking? Being blind? Hey, Jenna. Don't pretend you don't see me, girl. I know you saw me.

[At school]

Maggie: Have you thought about what grade you'd like to teach?
Aria: Uh, first. I like this age. It makes me feel taller. Yeah, I'm just not sure if I wanna live in an urban setting or the suburbs. You know, being single and trying to meet people...
Maggie: You'd be surprised. I've done fine. Okay, you guys, time to clean up. Transitions can be tricky.
Malcolm: Can I have a play date with Brian?
Maggie: Not today, Malcolm.
Aria: So sweet. They want your permission for everything.
Maggie: Well, it's a special case. Malcolm also happens to be my son. You're doing the math, aren't you? Yeah, I was a teen mom way before it was a reality show. Okay, how are we doing?

[Cece's shop]

Spencer: Arya is not free and I still have not heard back from Hanna.
Cece: But we have Emily.
Spencer: Uh, maybe not.
Cece: Oh, don't tell me she ditched us for Pigskin. I need bodies here.
Spencer: No, I get it. It's just that I might have approached her in the wrong way.
Cece: You brought up Ali's war with her girlfriend, didn't you? Bad move, Spencer.
Spencer: Well, what were they fighting about?
Cece: Emily.


Alison and Cece are in Cece's car.

Ali: Okay, so I snuck into Emily's bedroom and stole some of her stationery.
Cece: Love it!
Ali: And I wrote Pigskin a super steamy note. Think moist. Okay, I just threw up a little in my mouth. I told her that I was dating this guy, but I was having some seriously hot fantasies about her and needed to know if she felt the same way.
Cece: Mama's proud, but Emily is gonna crucify you.
Ali: Oh, please, she's clueless. I told Paige that she can't email or text me because my boyfriend's suspicious.
Cece: Does Emily even have a boyfriend? Is that her?
Ali: That's her! Get down!
Cece: You get down. She doesn't even know me. What is she doing?
Ali: I told her to leave her note under that sign.
Paige: No, no, no, no!
Ali: Did you want me to deliver this to Emily? I probably should since I was the one that wrote to you. Should I open it here or should I just forward it to daddy? Is he still that big ol' Deacon at the church?
Paige: Give it to me.
Ali: Aw. Why should I? I'd much rather watch your daddy blow up when he finds out you wanna slip your--
Paige: Give it to me!
Ali: Think again, Pigskin. I own you now! Drive. Drive!

[Flashback's end]

Spencer: What did she do with Paige's letter?
Cece: Alison? Probably nothing. She'd never admit this, but I think
Ali was a little scared of that girl. Does wool make you itchy?

[Emily's room]

Emily: Paige? Remember on one of our first dates, you mentioned
my liking bold women?
Paige: Yes. Why? Have you changed your mind?
Emily: You brought up Ali, and I was just trying to remember how you knew her.
Paige: I didn't. I knew of her. Why?
Emily: It's just that Spencer thought that maybe you and Ali had a--
Paige: Why are your friends talking about me instead of to me?
Emily: Sorry. Forget I brought it up.
Paige: Has it ever occurred to you that maybe it's your friends you should be questioning? Don't you think it's strange that there were four people drinking at Spencer's that night and you were the only one who got drugged?
Emily: My friends didn't poison me.
Paige: Okay, but Mona pretended to be your friend for like a year, and she turned out to be a mutant.
Emily: Mona was never my friend. I trust these girls with my life.
Paige: You're right. You're right. I just think maybe I need to spend some more time with them.

[Ezra's place]

Wes: Oh, sorry. I, uh... I didn't mean to scare you. I just stopped by to drop that off. I didn't wanna leave it at the front door, so the manager let me in. You okay? You still look freaked.
Aria: No, I'm fine. Why did you tell me that story about Maggie?
Wes: Again, I, um... I just assumed my brother already had. I didn't do it to mess with your head. What's wrong?
Aria: I saw her.
Wes: What? Where?
Aria: Yeah, I-I took a train into Wilmington, and I... I sat in her classroom.
Wes: Why would you do that?
Aria: Because Ezra needed to know that she was okay.
Wes: But... she's not?
Aria: Oh, no. She's-- she's great... And a mom of a seven-year-old little boy that looks a lot like that.
Wes: Wait, what are you saying? Oh, man. No, maybe she just said that because she felt threatened by you, his girlfriend checking her out.
Aria: No, she didn't know who I was. And why wouldn't she tell him
that he has a son?

[Cece's shop]

Cece: Spence, how many boxes do you have in there?
Spencer: Two. One says "Shoes," the other one says "Belts."
Cece: Damn, we're missing one. I gotta go stop him before he leaves.

Cece goes out. Someone close the door. Spencer see a snake in the room.

Spencer: Cece! Cece, please help me! Cece! Cece, please! Somebody help me! Cece!

Cece is outside.

Cece: Yeah, we're missing a box.

Spencer: Cece! Stop it!

She finally comes inside and kill the snake.

[Hanna's room]

Hanna: It was alive? Was it crawling? Was there a text from "A"? Jenna knew that you would ask me to help.
Spencer: Okay, get off of the blind girl train. I am telling you that I actually used the word "snake" when I was talking to Emily outside of the girls' locker room.
Hanna: Paige is not after us. She's in love with one of our best friends.
Spencer: Okay, but she was with Emily that night, and she never said a word until Emily brought it up. Maybe instead of hooking up with Emily, she was hauling her off to an open grave.
Hanna: Spencer...
Spencer: No, we really need to review that security tape because I guarantee you anything that was a girl's shadow that grabbed Maya outside of Noel's cabin.
Hanna: And you think this was Paige/Pigskin?
Spencer: Yeah, don't you? She's been obsessed with Emily for years. She was jealous of Ali. She was jealous of Maya. She hated them. She probably hates us.

Phone rings.

Spencer: Who is that? Is that Wren?
Hanna: It's Emily.
Spencer: Well, give me it! We don't know what we're gonna say to her!
Hanna: I'm going to say "Hi." Look, it's about the knife in Maya's bag. Hi. Please tell me it's not rusty.
Emily: It's not here. We must've lost it when we were racing to the car.
Hanna: No, we didn't lose it, we put it in the bag. Where is the bag?
Emily: It was under my bed.
Hanna: Someone must've broken into your house.
Emily: Then why wouldn't they take the whole bag? We must've dropped it outside of Noel's cabin.
Hanna: No, the only thing we dropped, Emily, was a pound of my flesh! Now, did you check your car?
Emily: Yes, but I'll check again.
Hanna: There's no way we left it outside of Noel's cabin. "A" must've snuck into her house.
Spencer: "A" may also go by the name "Paige." Why would you sneak in when you're invited?

[Ezra's place]

Aria: How am I not supposed to mention this over an entire weekend?
Wes: Aria, you don't have to bring it up right away.
Aria: The longer I wait, the bigger the lie.
Wes: Well, maybe I could tell him. I could say I was the one who went to Wilmington.
Aria: Right, and when Maggie describes you as a petite coed named Amy?
Wes: Yeah, it's gotta be you. But I could be there for moral support. Hey, listen to me. This doesn't change anything between you and Ezra.
Aria: How do you know that? You and I were learning fractions when this kid was born. And I've never had to deal with anything like this before. He's on his way.

[Cece's shop]

Cece: I figure the rack can be in the back, and you can change in the dressing rooms.
Hanna: Yeah, no, thank you.
Cece: Guys, animal control has already been here. I swear. They took it away and went through all the other boxes for nests.
Spencer: Nests?
Cece: Hanna, you could rock this. Be even better if you pinned your hair up, though.
Hanna: Oh, yeah. No, my hair is just...It doesn't...
Cece: Use the dry shampoo. You're not the only one that didn't have a chance to wash your hair this morning, hon. This length, those legs-- perfect.
Spencer: Uh, you probably should actually give that to Emily.
Cece: Emily's coming? Fabulous.
Hanna: Look, I got her to come here. I don't know if she'll stay.
Spencer: Well, you don't have to bring up Paige right away. Just check her temperature first.
Cece: Spencer, you should wear this. It's so you.
Hanna: No, you know what? That is so me.
Cece: Thank you.

Hanna tries a dress. Someone comes. 

Caleb: Hey. Shh.
Hanna: What are you doing here?
Caleb: I talked to your mom.
Hanna: You did?
Caleb: Yeah.
Hanna: What'd you say?
Caleb: Well, I told her that if she handed over those videos, Wilden and his cronies would be watching you change into a bikini on a loop. Kinda kicked in her maternal instincts.
Hanna: So she's not gonna turn them in?
Caleb: I don't know. But I also reminded her that one of rosewood's finest is about to go on trial for the murder of two of your friends.
Hanna: Thank you. Caleb, you didn't have to do that.
Caleb: Yeah, I did. I don't know how much longer I can do this, Hanna. I need to touch you.
Cece: Hanna, I have some shoes out here for you. How's that dress look?
Hanna: Hot. So how are you gonna sneak out of here?
Caleb: Same way I came in. Why? Is Jenna coming to this thing?
Hanna: I don't think Jenna's the one we have to be afraid of anymore.

[Ezra's place]

Ezra: Hello.
Aria: Hi.
Wes: The birthday boy-- man-- whatever.
Aria: Wes dropped off a gift for you, so I invited him to stay for dinner.
Wes: Yeah, hope that's cool.
Ezra: No, glad you're here. The more the merrier.
Aria: So now you wanna celebrate?
Ezra: I sorta do. I called Maggie. And she's doing great.
Wes: What does that mean?
Ezra: She got a masters in education, she has a good job, owns her own home, lives by herself, and she's really happy.
Aria: She told you that?
Ezra: We didn't talk more than five minutes, but honestly, that was enough. I'm incredibly relieved. I'm gonna take a shower and then we can celebrate.

[Cece's shop]

Cece: Look who's here! I have such the fiercest outfit for you!
Spencer: Hi, Em.
Emily: Hello. I hope you don't mind. I brought a guest.
Paige: Hey, Spencer.
Spencer: Hello.
Cece: Let's try this on you.
Paige: Can I help?
Spencer: Sure.
Paige: What are we doing?
Spencer: Rings on these and bracelets on that.
Paige: This is nice. Not that I could ever pull it off. I put on something like this and it looks like I'm trying to be somebody I'm not.
Spencer: Well, you have your own style.
Paige: More by default. I don't do flashy. I feel better under the radar. Being with Emily has made me feel much more confident. I know you guys still have your reservations about me.
Spencer: Did Emily tell you that?
Paige: Didn't have to. We both know I've acted out and done stuff I regretted. But I'd really like it, Spencer, if we could make a fresh start. Oh. Oops.

[Ezra's place]

Aria: Happy birthday!
Wes: Happy birthday. Did you even make a wish?
Ezra: I don't need to. Everything I want I've already got.
Aria: I'll cut the cake.
Wes: Dude, you are getting old. What are we listening to? Hootie and the Blowfish?

Wes comes to see Aria in the kitchen. They talk very quitly.

Wes: I think I know why she lied to him. What if my mom is paying her to keep quiet?
Aria: You think that your mom knows?
Wes: She might.

(from the living room): How do you guys feel about supertramp?
Both: Who?
Ezra: That's what I thought.

: You need to talk to your mom then.
Wes: And say what?
Aria: I don't know. But if you're right and we say something now, then Maggie might get punished and that little boy gets cut off.

[Cece's shop]

Hanna: I'm sorry. I thought Emily was coming alone.
Spencer: Ye, well, her plus one suddenly wants to be our BFF. She's trying to kill us with kindness before she actually just... kills us. Do we think that the knife is in that bag?
Hanna: Hey, Paige? Um, can you give this to Emily and help her out? It's kind of a two-woman operation.
Paige: Yeah. Cool.

Emily comes back. 

Emily: What are you doing? We're leaving.
Paige: Emily...
Spencer: No, don't be so forgiving. I'm changing and then we're out of here.
Hanna: Great. Now she really hates us and Emily hates us even more.
Spencer: Emily will get over it. We needed proof. And we got it.

[Front of Emily's house]

Emily: Do you wanna sit inside?
Paige: No, this is good. Thanks.
Emily: We should never have gone--
Paige: It was my idea. I made you go.
Emily: I don't even know how to apologize for them. I just feel like Cece started this whole--
Paige: It started with Alison. She was more than someone I knew in passing. I knew her well enough to hate her guts. She spent most of ninth grade torturing me. At first, it was just teasing. I got through it. I pushed back. If she wanted to play dirty, then so could I. But... I had no idea what I was up against. She was relentless. I had nobody to turn to. I was completely alone. Finally, it didn't matter what Alison could do to me, because... I was willing to do much worse to myself. And then I thought... If I disappeared forever... She would win. And I wouldn't let her win. I couldn't.

[Hanna's home]

Hanna: Hi.
Ashley: Hi.
Hanna: Did you watch it?
Ashley: I did.
Hanna: And?
Ashley: I'm gonna take care of it.
Hanna: Look, mom, if you just give me a chance to explain, then... Thank you.
Ashley: I didn't do that just for you. I did it for me. Apparently, Mona liked to spy on grown-ups, too. She recorded a moment of me and detective Wilden. One night, he drove me home after I'd had too much to drink.
Hanna: Yeah, I remember.
Ashley: No, you only remember some of it. And now I might have a future with somebody that I really, really care about, and I just wanna forget all of it.

Doorbell rings.

Ashley: Hi, come on in.
Ted: You look great. You're smiling. That's a good sign. I was worried those videos might of--
Ashley: Oh, no. Um... I watched them and I'm pretty sure it was the work of that bully I was telling you about. Glad it's history.
Ted: I still think we'd better drop it off at the police.
Ashley: Right. The thing is, Ted, I'm not gonna be able to give it back to you because...
Hanna: I destroyed it. I'm' sorry. I just... I didn't want anyone to see it. So... I got rid of it.
Ted: I see. Well, I guess that's that. Shall we?
Ashley: Yeah.

[Ezra's building]

Aria: Did "A" send this to you?
Spencer: No, I took it out of Paige's bag.
Aria: Why would Paige have it?
Spencer: Because I'm betting she dug it out of Ali's grave.
Aria: What are you saying?
Spencer: I'm saying, she probably has Ali's bones, too. She may be "A," Aria. The only question is, how are we gonna tell Emily?

[Emily's house]

Emily: More tea?
Paige: No, I'm good. I'm gonna go wash my face.
Emily: Jenna?
Jenna: I need to talk to you about your friend.
Emily: What's going on?
Jenna: Oh. I thought you were alone.
Emily: Why? What's the matter? Jenna, what did you come here to tell me?
Jenna: Be very careful who you spend time with, Emily. Very careful.

Kikavu ?

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